Student health insurance in Delaware is not mandated. However, it’s recommended that you get coverage as you risk high out-of-pocket expenses if you have an accident in college and need medical or hospital healthcare. Read on to see what options for student coverage in the state.
What are the Delaware health insurance options available for students?
These are the health insurance coverage options available to students going to college in Delaware.
- College or university plans: Some colleges offer this option, so check with your college office.
- Parent’s insurance plan: You can go on your parent’s plan if you’re under 26
- Marketplace plans: You can buy plans that come under ACA.
- Medicaid: This is available and is subject to an income assessment
- Catastrophic health plans: If you’re under 30, you can buy a plan to cover serious accidents or illnesses. This is a lower premium plan.
- Short-term health plans: A non-renewable plan of up to three months is available.
- Employer-sponsored health plans: If you’re working, your employer may offer some coverage.
- Private insurance plans: The option to buy private medical insurance to cover a student’s health insurance is available.
Benefits of student health insurance
Health insurance coverage prevents you from having major medical expenses to pay in the case of an accident or serious illness while in college. Check your plan’s benefits depending on whether you attend college out-of-state or in-state. There are several options to consider when looking for affordable health insurance in Delaware.
Rules for Delaware health insurance for students
Delaware students don’t need health insurance coverage. However, some schools do require it. Student health policies and plans that meet ACA have enrollment periods, so it’s best to check this with your school. Then, others are available to college students at any time.
Did the state implement the ACA’s Medicaid expansion?
Yes, Delaware implemented the expansion under the Affordable Care Act to people under age 65 with an income up to 138% of the federal poverty level.
Delaware ACA Open Enrollment dates
The Open Enrollment Period in Delaware runs from November 1 to January 15. Outside these times, you must show evidence of a qualifying event to enroll.
Are health insurance subsidies available?
Subsidies are available under ACA-compliant plans.
What to consider when choosing Delaware student health insurance plans
Consider the location of your university and what your insurance requirements are. This will influence whether you want to be on your parent’s plan or get your own on the marketplace.
Are you going to school in-state or out-of-state?
If you opt to state in-state for college, your insurance plan under your parent’s carrier may suffice. However, it may not cover you if you travel out of state for college, so you’ll need to check this.
Are you considered someone’s dependent?
You can be considered a dependent under your parent’s plan to get your health insurance coverage as a full-time student.
Are you going to stay on your parent’s health insurance plan or enroll on your own?
Staying on your parent’s plan means you can avail of comprehensive coverage, and your records stay with the one insurance carrier. If they claim you as a dependent, you can’t get any premium subsidies if you decide to buy your plan on the Marketplace. You can stay on your parent’s plan until age 26.
What type of student health insurance plans are cheaper?
Medicaid is the cheapest coverage, especially if you’re within the income limits for eligibility.
What student health plans offer the best coverage?
Health insurance coverage plans that follow ACA guidelines have the best coverage options. They offer coverage for pre-existing medical problems and several other benefits.
What happens if you don’t have student health insurance coverage?
You’ll face medical expenses that can be very costly and may take a long time to repay. Delaware doesn’t mandate health insurance, so you won’t pay any hefty fines for not having it.
How to get Delaware student health insurance coverage
Several options exist to get health insurance in Delaware. You can opt for your parent’s plan, ask your school or see if you’re eligible for Medicaid.
How to get coverage on your parent’s health insurance plan
Ask your parents to name you on their plan and get the insurance company to include you in their coverage. They’ll need details of your college and your course duration.
Getting health insurance from your school
Delaware students can ask their schools for details of coverage policies. Some universities require it, so check this before attending.
Getting student health insurance coverage through the ACA
Apply during the open enrollment period. This coverage offers some of the best health insurance options. Under ACA, they must provide coverage for any pre-existing medical problems and coverage for hospital treatment, emergency care, prescription medicine, and mental health services.
Getting student health insurance coverage from Medicaid
If your family’s income is 138% of the federal poverty level, you can apply for Medicaid.
What other student health insurance options are available in Delaware?
Short-term insurance in Delaware only lasts for three months. Many universities offer university health plans for full-time undergraduate students that meet the minimum number of credit hours for their course. This varies depending on the school. Some colleges allow students to add healthcare expenses to their loans for college. Some options include telehealth services.
Cheapest student health insurance plans in Delaware
There are several options for Delaware students seeking a student health insurance plan depending on the college you go to:
Universities recommend Blue Cross, Aetna, and Cigna, as they’ll bill as needed.
- The University of Delaware: This college will bill students $352 for spring/summer and $77 for winter as a Wellbeing Fee. This covers most charges.
- Delaware State University: This school requires insurance and has student health services that provide an on-site diagnosis for specific illnesses. The school has a health insurance plan with UnitedHealthcare. If you have 12+ credit hours and don’t accept a waiver, your bill per term will be $390.
- Wesley College: This school has a wellness center and a full-time on-site nurse. This school requires health insurance but doesn’t have a plan. Students are asked to contact Humana One, Cigna, or Assurant Health.
- Wilmington University: This university doesn’t have medical services on-site, so this is worth considering if you’ve any pre-existing conditions. It does have a wellness program, yet it does ask students to get their health insurance coverage.
Cheapest health insurance plan for students with low out-of-pocket maximums
Buying an ACA individual plan through Choose Health Delaware can help lower out-of-pocket expenses with subsidies. The Marketplace offers monthly plans to get less than a full year’s coverage and pay for when you’re attending college.
Cheapest student health insurance plan with high out-of-pocket maximums
While a catastrophic or high deductible plan may be a good option, it has high out-of-pocket expenses.
Cheapest student health insurance plan with an HSA option
Visit healthcare.gov for the most up-to-date university health plans with an HSA option. You can use a filter to get these results.
Cheapest HMO/PPO/POS health insurance plans available for students
If you’re 19 or younger and don’t qualify for Medicaid, you may qualify for CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program). It’s also called the Delaware Health Children Program, and you can find out your eligibility through ASSIST or by calling (800) 996-9969.
Can students buy health insurance in Delaware?
Yes, they can buy them on the marketplace.
How long can you stay on your parent’s health insurance in Delaware?
You can stay on your parent’s plan until the age of 26.
What is the average cost of student health insurance in Delaware?
The average cost is $352 per term.
What is the best student health insurance in Delaware?
The University of Delaware and Delaware State University offer competitive plans for student health insurance in the state.
Finding student health insurance in Delaware
While health care in Delaware isn’t mandatory for students, some colleges require it. Considering this as part of your college budget is essential as you don’t want to face costly medical bills for any accident or illness you may encounter. Use our health insurance quoting tool to help you understand and compare policies and get the best solution.