Guide To SR-22 Insurance In Louisiana

WRITTEN BY: Mark Romero


Getting busted for something like a DUI is a stressful and confusing experience. Being forced to get SR-22 insurance on top of that makes the situation even worse. But this handy guide can simplify things for drivers who need to find affordable SR-22 insurance in their area. 

Louisiana SR-22 Insurance: What You Need to Know

When a driver commits a serious enough driving violation, they may need to file an SR-22 certificate. An SR-22 certificate proves to the state that a motorist is carrying the legally mandated minimum auto insurance coverage. 

Sometimes, serious violations – like a DUI or reckless driving – can suspend a motorist’s legal driving privileges. The guilty motorist must then ask their provider to file an SR-22 form on their behalf to get back on the road quickly and legally.

How Much Does SR-22 Insurance Cost in Louisiana

Out of all the driving violations that can take a motorist off the road, a DUI/DWI is the most expensive. In most states, there is a legal distinction between a DUI and a DWI; but in Louisiana, the terms are interchangeable.

DUI auto insurance premiums for Louisiana car insurance can spike as much as 45% – 65% compared to an auto insurance policy for a clean driving record. 

The table below shows how a driver’s insurance premiums can change immediately after a DUI. It also shows what motorists can expect to pay once they have filed their SR-22 proof of financial responsibility.

When ready to purchase a policy, Louisiana drivers should consider companies like State Farm and the Southern Farm Bureau. 

CompanyAvg. Cost per Month With an SR-22 & DUIAvg. Cost Increase After a DUI
Southern Farm Bureau$1,031$1,635
State Farm$1,186$2,195

When Are You Required To Get SR-22 Certificate in Louisiana?

Louisiana drivers who get convicted of a DUI/DWI will require an SR-22. Drivers will also need to file an SR-22 if they commit any of the following:

How Long Do You Have To Carry an SR-22 in Louisiana?

Louisiana drivers won’t have to carry their SR-22 status for as long as drivers in some other states. It will expire after three years. Then they can start shopping for more affordable auto insurance coverage. 

How a DUI Impacts Your Car Insurance Rates in Louisiana

Requiring an SR-22 is only going to make car insurance more expensive. Some providers may refuse to sell a policy to any motorist who has such a bad driving record that they require an SR-22. But with time, patience, and good driving, Louisiana drivers convicted of a DUI will eventually be eligible for affordable coverage. 

Driving without insurance

The good news is that drivers who drive without insurance in Louisiana won’t have to spend time in jail. The bad news is that there are a slew of penalties if a motorist chooses to drive without coverage:

  • A fine between $500 – $1,000
  • Vehicle and license suspension
  • Vehicle impoundment 
  • Storage and wreckage fees
  • Any/all collision claims will automatically be denied
  • $60 of reinstatement fees

Keep in mind that the reinstatement fees will get progressively more expensive with subsequent offenses. A second offense will cost $160 in total, and three or more offenses will cost $510 each for reinstatement. 

Non-Owner SR-22 Insurance in Louisiana

Motorists who don’t own their vehicle will still need proof of insurance to reinstate their license. For these drivers, there’s non-owner insurance. Insurance premiums for non-owner insurance are usually cheaper than regular SR-22 auto insurance, but the amount will differ from company to company. 

Although non-owner auto insurance is more affordable, it’s only available for motorists who don’t own a vehicle. If the state has a record of any vehicle registered in the applicant’s name, they will not be able to apply for non-owner auto insurance. 

How to Get SR-22 Insurance in Louisiana

First, a convicted driver must get in good legal standing with the state of Louisiana. This involves: 

  • Paying up to $1,000 in fines, as well as court costs 
  • Refraining from driving for one year (while their license is suspended)
  • Possible jail time (maximum six-month sentence)

After the motorist serves their time, pays their fines, and gets their license reinstated, it’s time to hunt for SR-22 insurance. Comparing rates online is the quickest and easiest way to find a somewhat affordable policy. But DUI drivers should anticipate much more expensive premiums. When they find a policy, they must inform their provider that they require an SR-22 certificate. The insurance company will file it on the driver’s behalf, completing the process. 


Question 1: What’s the minimum amount of coverage for SR-22 insurance in Louisiana?

Louisiana motorists who want to drive legally must purchase an SR-22 insurance policy with the bare minimum liability coverage. The split is $15k/$30k/$25k. That means you’ll need $15,000 of liability coverage per person for bodily injury, $30,000 per accident, and $25,000 of property damage liability coverage. 

Question 2: Can drivers purchase SR-22 insurance coverage beyond the state’s mandatory minimum?

If a motorist can find an auto insurance company who will let them purchase higher liability coverage limits, they are free to do so. Some car insurance providers may offer extra coverage options like collision, comprehensive, roadside assistance, and more. The only real limit is how much a motorist can pay in premiums. 

Question 3: What is Louisiana’s “No Pay, No Play” law?

This law specifically applies to motorists who get into an accident that isn’t their fault while driving without carrying insurance coverage. If that driver sustains less than $25,000 in property damage and less than $15,000 in personal injury damages, they can’t file claims against the at-fault driver’s liability insurance coverage.  

Question 4: How can high-risk drivers find affordable car insurance in Louisiana?

The first step is to comparison-shop by getting as many quotes as possible from local insurance providers. But drivers with SR-22 insurance are considered high-risk, which will make it difficult. Some companies won’t sell an insurance policy to a high-risk driver; others will charge substantially higher premiums, even for minimal coverage. 

Any motorist who can’t find affordable SR-22 insurance in Louisiana should consult the Louisiana AIPSO website. It’s a non-profit organization that aims to connect high-risk Louisiana motorists with auto insurance policies they can afford. If all else fails, they should be able to help. 

Question 5: How long do drivers have to carry SR-22 insurance in Louisiana?

Different driving violations have different requirements when it comes to SR-22 insurance. For most offenses, however, motorists must carry their SR-22 status for three years. This is especially true for drivers convicted of a DUI/DWI or driving without insurance. 

Compare SR-22 Insurance in Louisiana

It can be difficult to find affordable SR-22 insurance quotes in Louisiana. An SR-22 driving violation raises premiums by over $900 per year on average, adding an extra $75 per month in premiums. But drivers who use our handy comparison shopping tools can save hundreds of dollars annually.